Herefordshire FA Announce Introductory Sessions for Boys Development Centre

As a result of the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, the HFA BDC are unfortunately unable to set a definitive date for player trials at this time.

Despite this, we are very keen to engage with players as soon as possible. We are therefore delighted to confirm an introductory training programme commencing 11th July.

This programme has been specifically designed to prioritise participant and coach safety adhering to current government guidelines, which will be reviewed and modified accordingly throughout. These sessions will hopefully provide a familiarity to players before trials and help to alleviate some of the pressures that trials can bring.

Training will take place on Saturdays on the 3G pitch at the HFA offices, Widemarsh Common, Hereford, HR4 9NA:

11th July

18th July

25th July

1st August

8th August

15th August

Once players have registered an interest they will receive a document pack outlining the safety measures and protocols put in place, as well has how to complete contactless payment.

Throughout the existence of the Boys Development Centre we intend to be transparent regarding fees and costs. As a not for-profit organisation, we are committed to ensuring any that profit generated is invested into either the Development Centre programme, or local football.

Due to the difficulties many are facing due to Covid-19, charging substantial fees at this time feels wrong. With huge thanks to the coaches who are volunteering their time and our funders, we are pleased to confirm the charge for the introductory programme will be only £2 per session (£12 for all 6 sessions). To confirm, the coaches will be Head and Assistant Coaches from the BDC.  

Please note that non-attendance to the introductory programme will NOT affect the outcome of the trials.

Please click on the link below to complete a registration of interest. Information for the introductory programme will then follow:

Information in respect of a similar programme for the Girl’s Development Centre will follow shortly.