Herefordshire FA coaching players

Girls Emerging Talent Centre

Our extra training programme for talented female players

Take the next Step!


At Herefordshire FA we are fully committed to giving talented players the opportunity to progress and develop their game in a supportive, fun and competitive environment. We have the girls centre which is an Emerging Talent Centre.

The Girls Emerging Talent Centre (ETC) Programme is a hybrid model that compliments the grassroots game and will allow players to be part of an ETC and a grassroots club, school, or representative team, which we hope will enhance the variety of playing experiences. Players will receive expert coaching from experienced FA qualified coaches and organised fixtures against similar development and talent centres in the region.
Our ETC covers the Under 12's, 14's & 16's, whilst we run our own Under 8's & Under 10's groups. The Under 10's upwards will play fixtures against other centre's and clubs across the country. Trials are held every summer to recruit for the season ahead and we would encourage any local players who are interested to register and get involved.

To find out more about the centre, click the button below.

To create a safe, positive football environment for talented players and aspiring coaches from Herefordshire with a participant-centred focus.
- Our Aim

We are always eager to here from prospective coaches who want to join our team of coaching staff with the girls centre as either a head coach, assistant or mentee coach. We will soon be accepting applications ahead of the 2024/25 season so please check back for more details or contact one of the members of staff opposite.

Free trials for the centre are held at the start of every season and are open for all girls aged between 8 - 16 to attend. We promote the trials online and notify all the local clubs and schools to encourage any interested players to attend.

Successful trialists are then invited back for the full training and development programme. Keep your eyes peeled for updates; registration for trials will be open very soon.

To ensure we can continue to provide the best quality coaching and facilities within the area, we charge subs to players at the centre. The Emerging Talent Centre ruling is to ensure that attending the centre will not be at an extortionate cost, to allow more opportunity and better access for girls to come in. Price is £120 for the season, which includes 30 training sessions, matches and a match kit.

You can use the contact details opposite to contact a member of the team and we will get back to you as soon as we can with a response

If your a player, parent, coach, referee, opponent or spectator who has a concern about the PDC or something you have seen then it is important you know how to report it. Reports can be made to the Club Welfare Officer or County Welfare Officer using the details opposite.

HFA Hereford FC PDC Contact Details

Girls Head of Centre: George Leyshon-James


P: 01432 342179

Club Welfare Officer: Kim Clay


P: 07779445510


Technical Director: Ben Archer


P: 01432 342179