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Statement on the Conclusion of the Herefordshire Grassroots Season

Herefordshire FA statement on the conclusion of the 2019/20 season

Following the statement by The FA on Thursday 26th March in relation to the conclusion of the 2019/20 season, a decision has been made on the grassroots game locally.

The FA have already confirmed that all grassroots league football is concluded for the 2019/20 season in order to allow the game to move forward and to commence planning for next season. Following this decision, it was left down to individual leagues to determine how they should close out their current competitions with support from their local CFA.

Herefordshire FA have been in regular communication with the League Management Committees of all the grassroots leagues under their jurisdiction and the following has been agreed by all leagues as independent bodies. [Specifically; Herefordshire FA County League, Herefordshire FA Women’s Development League, Herefordshire Junior Football League, Herefordshire Girls Football League]

  1. 1. In accordance with guidance from The FA, the 2019/20 season has been declared to be null and void. This decision has been taken by the individual league committees and has been approved by Herefordshire FA.
  2. 2. As set out in League rules, the ability to ensure clubs are placed in appropriate divisions for the 2020/21 season remains (i.e. where a team was destined for promotion/relegations). These decisions will be made by each league at their AGM.

The Herefordshire FA Football Services Forum have also voted on the conclusion of Herefordshire FA County Cup Competitions. The vote was split 50/50 between declaring all 2019/20 cup competitions to be null and void or keeping their position under review to see if they could be played in advance of the 2020/21 season. With the majority of County Cups already at the final or semi-final stage, the position will be kept under review and a further vote will take place in four weeks’ time.

Leagues will be in touch with their clubs with more information on AGM’s in due course. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the grassroots community for their understanding in this matter and for their contribution to football over the past season.

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