Herefordshire FA publishes first ever Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan
The plan covers the 2024-28 strategic cycle
As the HFA progresses from Foundation to Preliminary Level of the Equality Standard for Sport, we are proud to release our first-ever Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan.
This important plan sets out both the work we do in this important area and, more importantly, what we want to achieve in the future.
Inclusion is an integral part of the HFA’s operations, with our vision being ‘A community united by the power of football, with football opportunities For All’, our mission being ‘To develop, promote and support positive, safe and inclusive football opportunities for the benefit of our community’, and two of our key values being that we are ‘welcoming’ and ‘open’.
Together with support from our Inclusion Advisory Group, which is set to grow even stronger under the leadership of its newly appointed Chair Joanie Roberts, we look forward to delivering this plan over the forthcoming years.
For details of the plan please see the document below.
For more information, please email